Saturday, January 22, 2005

7" of snow and counting...

The years 2001-2004 were dry, snowless years, and now, we've seen the exception again. Last night, seven plus inches fell in skokie as a powerdery, feathered, glistening snow. This marks the first wave of attack from the oncoming wintry forces set to assail the midwest this weekend with bluster.

The snowfall faded this morning, winds changed, and the northeast winds have picked up, kicking the Lake Michigan snow making machine into full gear. Welcome to the time of big, fat, hungry snowflakes. Snowflakes that make you want to shovel, then go pile buttermilk pancakes, eggs, and hash browns onto your plate to make up for the work of shoveling.

But, no complaints (other than: Oh! My achin' back) for the winter wonderland. The past years haven't seemed like winter. Snow us in. Let us get anxious inside for a bit, then "spring" us loose come April, even more thankful for the change of seasons.

1 comment:

Chris said...

7", Bah! That's Nothing. Try 24" and still snowing on for size. And that's on top of what was already on the ground. Snow isn't so bad when you are home to keep up with it as it is falling. I was away and came back to all 24", more near the street from the plows going through. 7", quit your complaining.