Saturday, February 18, 2006

Surgery Update

As many of you know, I had jaw surgery on Wednesday afternoon to correct a long-term imbalance in my facial structure. Eventually, without surgery, I would have developed a TMJ-like condition in addition to tooth and bone loss. Yuck.

I'm on the other side of the procedure now, and my life has been turned upside down, but in doing so, I've gained a new level of personal calm and public appreciation for all of you have lent your time, talents, and kind words to my cause. I've really needed all of your help these past few days and I will probably need it even more so in the next few weeks as I put myself back together again.

Rather than retype all of the details, lets summarize as follows: I had jaw surgery. The staff that helped in the surgery were all excellent and I appreciated their kindness and humor. Jane, my family, and our friends, have been so helpful in aiding us back on the road to good health.

If you are interested in seeing some before and after pictures, please visit my website: and follow the link for the surgery pictures. Just a warning, some of the post-op pictures are rather messy. Surf wisely.

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