Thursday, October 28, 2004


I started a rousing game of phone tag this evening. After school, I pre-called many of the parents of my behavior problem students for thursday. My six calls took nearly an hour to make and unfortunately, I didn't reach about three of the people I intended to call. Messages were left, and hopefully, I'll hear responses in the morning. Improving behavior and discipline in a school and/or classroom starts one child, one family at a time. There is no way to make the process move any faster.

On the home front, I tried to call Joe, but I think it was too late. Either that or he was too transfixed on the Series. Everything was downhill for me with baseball this year after the Sox/Yankees race. Who could beleive there would be better baseball after that?

Next, I tried to get ahold of Jane's brother Stephen, but his cell reception is pretty poor in State College. No luck. Then, Matthew out in San Fransisco, but also, no luck. Finally, I tried to reach Eric in Seattle, but he was MIA as well.

How did we all end up as such busy folks? When did that all happen? And think, none of us even have kids yet.

1 comment:

Joe McNamara said...

Nathan - Sorry I missed you man...the phone was upstairs. We'll get in touch...