Friday, April 22, 2005

Liberals turned conservative and vice versa

How many of you know people who started in one political stripe and changed sides? I am having an internal conflict lately in political belief (and so should many of you!) My democratic party is floundering to such a great degree that I hold no hope at this point in their resurrection of a viable campaign and political agenda. The party has fragmented to such a diverse degree (diversity being the lynch-pin of the democratic agenda), that no consensus seems possible amongst people that do not value a cohesive values system.

Three people really stick out as voices of reason today: new liberalism proponent Robert Reich, values czar William Bennett, and ultranationalist Michael Savage. Each brings a unique, outsiders view to politics that I really value. Seeing as I'm reading and buying into many of the ideas that each man represents (far left to far right), I'm having a difficult time orienting myself to the current political landscape.

Currently, I feel we need to lock down our borders to illegal immigration and open the borders to highly screened immigrants. We need to end programs for illegal immigrants in schools, hospitals and public services. We need to push on a national, state, and local scale increases in educational reform and place our students back to the top of the world's most highly educated populace. We need to end the huge budget imbalances, trade deficits, and internationally held debt, and learn to buy american again. (So long as american means the best, high quality product, but perhaps not the cheapest?)

We need to fix voter fraud issues to ensure we have the most accurate and fair voting system in the world. We need to promote personal responsibility in savings and long-term financial planning, while keeping key safeguard systems in place for people that meet with unexpected problems.

Despite what I've said above, my political planks are not secure, yet. I've still yet to come to internal consensus about many of these key issues. Beyond my increasingly conservative political orientation, however, I do beleive in gay marriage--anything that strengths families should be supported wholly and earnestly.

I cannot buy into George W. Bush, however. I'm not sold on the republicans. But who else is there?


Matthew said...

End illegal immigration programs for hospitals and schools? So a 6 or 8 year old brought in illegal should pray the price and not get any schooling. So what should they do? Sell drugs on the street, no maybe we should let the girls work the street then? If you look at most of Europe illegal immigrants are not only schooled and given healthcare, but also paid a stipen as long as they register while their application is being considered (which can take years). I think we need a little more compassion and think of the bigger picture. Showing compassion makes friends, turning your back makes enemies.

Chris said...

Matthew just is so adamant about illigal aliens because he lives in CA. And without them, he wouldn't have anyone to work at his car wash, or tend to the gardens and pool.

More to the point of your deliberation of which political party to sway towards, it sounds to me like you are a Democrat tried and true. You think we need to end our huge budget imbalances, and trade deficits, and internationally held debt, who do you think has created all of this debt over the last 25 years?? Republicans. It started with Mr. Reagan, moved on to Mr. Bush, was partially repaired by President Clinton, and greatly added to by W. Have you checked out the National Debt
lately?? And dont' even get me started on reforming the voting process. NY is now being forced to "upgrade" to a new and "more reliable" computerized system, well let me tell you, our old antiquated pull lever voting machines have worked reliably for nearly 100 years, and cannot be tampered with like all of these new-fangled machines. And we have never had such challenges as the stupid punch cards that are so prevelant in those Republican states.

Relish your Blue State in the sea of Red. Besides, when was the last time you saw any compassion or any conservatism from those right wingers??