Saturday, February 05, 2005

Henderson the Rain King

I took an old reading suggestion to heart this weekend and took to reading Eric's favorite Saul Bellow novel. Henderson is a beast of a man, drunken, cross, inappropriate, maladjusted, and one hell of a wealthy man. In his quest to find himself, he sets off to Africa with his friend Charlie to try to calm the voice in his head that pleads "I want, I want, I want."

In one part of the story, Henderson recounts the library he inherited from his wealthy father. If books weren't valuable enough for their ideas, Bellow furthers the metaphor by having Henderson's father use money as book marks. As he opens books, money literally falls out of them, even old yellowed big backs--a reference I interpret to mean an older type of money. What a clever way to highlight the value of books!

I took my first master's exam this morning and five blue books later, two exam questions answered, I've confidently completed my first assessment. Hopefully, I answered the questions to the level that they required, but I know full well, there was plenty more that could have been written. So now we wait for the results.

Congrats to Irena for her acceptance into an MBA program! Matthew good to hear from you. Joe, how about that album? Chris, update your blog buddy.


Joe McNamara said...

5 tracks down, deciding on whether it will be a 10 or 14 track album...

Matthew said...

Congrats on the exam, now don't keep us in suspense, Get us those scores as soon as you can!! Inquiring minds want to know.