Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Busy, Busy Day...

So, I know it seems like I'm always saying things are busy here in Chicago, but today was a topper. I started my day late--I slept in purposefully until 7:00 am. Then I ran off to school, getting my first mailing together for all of the school teachers. I taught three sections of general music and distributed treats as part of my new incentive system (and I also wrote a couple of notes home as part of my deterent system). During my lunch hour, I set up the PA system in the lunch room to prepare to calm the lunch room. Chowed my lunch, read about Taruskin's new book (The Oxford History of Western Music), and finally, ran off to my lunch duty. On duty I tried to corral 150 kids into orderly lunchroom behavior. Then I taught four more classes of general music to bilingual kindergarteners and the such. Finally, I performed my first teacher observation as part of my practicum program to become a principal. Once the school day was over, I put together my second mailing for the music teachers in the district. At 4:15, I finished addressing and sending my fifteen letters and I rushed out of the door to teach my trumpet lesson half-way across the city. On my way home, I stopped by Sears and bought a new outdoor patio set (to be picked up later). Once home, I slammed down some food and ran off to my principal's meeting at my graduate school. We interviewed a CPS principal and met in small groups to discuss our progress in the program. Then, (while trying to keep my car from overheating), I drove up to Evanston for a dress rehearsal with the Northshore Concert Band.

Now I'm home, eating a salad and a hardboiled egg, very pleased with everything that was accomplished today, but bummed that I didn't get to see my buddy Matthew while he was in town. I would have loved to have joined him for a reuben at the Artists Cafe.

Off to bed to do it again tomorrow!

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Hey don't worry about spending time with lil' ol' me, I am sure I will venture to your fair city again sometime, hopefully not when it is so cold though. Don't you love those crazy hectic days that start before the sun comes up and ends long after it sets? Well hang in there, you are doing amazing things and we are proud of you (boy did that sound very parent like). I do have to ask one question. What are you doing buying patio furniture in February?