Friday, November 05, 2004

E-mail blog

Since I can't publish my blog from school, I'm testing the email blog
option which allows you to email directly to your blog from your inbox.

Let me thus vent: It took me 1 hr to get school this morning. Traffic in
this city is poor at best. Perhaps its because it's been raining for the
last four days, perhaps its because my candidate barely lost, perhaps its
because I didn't go to the gym this morning, but I must admit, the traffic
has really peeved me today. Why do people drive so incredibly slow in
inclement weather. Slowing down a bit (say to 40 or 50 on the interstate)
is one thing, but for the majority of my commute this morning, I didn't
break 10 miles an hour. It took me nearly 40 minutes to go 10 miles. The
remaining 15 miles of my commute I clipped off in under 20 minutes,
stoplights and all.

Please, please, drivers of the world: Keep your eyes on the road, let
people in to your lane, and go as fast as you safely can drive.

Song of the day: Sanctus from Gabriel Faure's Requiem

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